“Black Sea E-mobility” project officially ends
The balance sheet for nearly a year of implementation (13 months): we managed to join the efforts of six Black Sea municipalities and build the so-called “Black Sea Corridor for E-mobility” through the installation of charging stations. Thus, through the newly built infrastructure, free charging of electric vehicles for citizens and tourists became available throughout the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.
In addition, within the project:
- one electric car was purchased for each of the six municipalities, which are already used for municipal social activities;
- a mobile application has been developed that connects charging stations and provides information on their location and status in real time;
- two specialized trainings for municipal officials were held: one to review and evaluate the effectiveness of municipal strategic plans and the measures already taken to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and the second to improve their expertise in the field of planning measures for climate change;
- municipal experts learned about Norway’s achievements in developing and implementing innovative climate change adaptation measures at the local level, with an emphasis on transport, during a working visit to the city of Halden, where the Norwegian partner is based;
- a Plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change until 2030 was developed;
- for each municipality interesting podcasts on the environmental and economic benefits of electric cars, useful tips and charging infrastructure are available to the general public on the site good examples from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein in the field of adaptation to climate change at local level in the form of short interactive video films